西华大学电气与电子信息学院2022年度研究生发表高水平论文情况 | |||
姓名 | 论文标题 | 期刊名称 | 刊物类别 |
唐书海 | Lightweight 1-D CNN-based Timing Synchronization for OFDM Systems with CIR Uncertainty | IEEE Wireless Communications Letters | B级期刊SCI二区期刊(大类) |
蒋金洋 | Parallel adaptive guidance network for image inpainting | Applied Intellegence | B级期刊SCI二区期刊(大类) |
陈彦旭 | Decentralized P2P power trading mechanism for dynamic multi-energy microgrid groups based on priority matching | Energy Reports | B级期刊SCI二区期刊(大类) |
唐文张 | Study on the Estimation of Harmonic Impedance Based on Bayesian Optimized Gaussian Process Regression | International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. | B级期刊SCI二区期刊(大类) |
李万顺 | Numerical study of discharge characteristics of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet with a coaxial dual-channel inlet | Journal of Applied Physics | C级期刊SCI三区期刊(大类) |
叶青 | Deep Learning for 1-Bit Compressed Sensing-based Superimposed CSI Feedback | PLOS ONE | C级期刊SCI三区期刊(大类) |
叶青 | Fusion Learning for 1-Bit CS-Based Superimposed CSI Feedback With Bi-Directional Channel Reciprocity | IEEE Communications Letters | C级期刊SCI三区期刊(大类) |
王未来 | Ultra-compact half-mode substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filters with IRCSRR metamaterial on reinforced hydrocarbon polymer ceramic composites | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics | C级期刊SCI三区期刊(大类) |
项彪 | Event-based Networked Predictive Control Systems with Secure Transmission Protocol | International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems | C级期刊SCI三区期刊(大类) |
李欣洋 | Calculation and Experiment of Stray Inductance of PCB Double-Pulse Test Circuit Based on Three-Dimensional Simulation | IEEE ACCESS | C级期刊SCI三区期刊(大类) |
刘安顺 | Image Motion Deblurring Based on Deep Residual Shrinkage and Generative Adversarial Networks | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | D级期刊SCI四区期刊(大类) |
唐文张 | Study on Harmonic Impedance Estimation Based on Gaussian Mixture Regression Using Railway Power Supply Loads | ENERGIES | D级期刊SCI四区期刊(大类) |
王超 | Numerical Simulation of Robustness to Large Displacement of Optical Film Based on Deep Learning | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | E级期刊CPCI-S收录的国际学术会议论文 |
唐小雨 | 基于多策略粒子群算法的500kV直流断路器用快速机械开关优化设计 | 高压电器 | E级期刊CSCD收录期刊(核心版) |
唐文张 | 基于优化高斯过程的谐波阻抗估计方法 | 电力系统及其自动化学报 | E级期刊CSCD收录期刊(核心版) |
甘学贵 | Analysis of electromagnetic performance of the interior permanent magnet brushless DC motor with stator slot skewed structure based on quasi-3D moving electromagnetic-field circuit coupling calculatio | ARCHIVES OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING | E级期刊EI收录期刊 |
姚黄金 | 基于改进自适应密度峰值算法的日负荷曲线聚类分析 | 电力系统保护与控制 | E级期刊EI收录期刊 |
陈桂芳 | 基于长短期记忆网络的继电保护测试故障诊断研究 | 电力系统保护与控制 | E级期刊EI收录期刊 |
王超 | 基于深度学习光流法的荧光油膜全局速度测量 | 航空动力学报 | E级期刊EI收录期刊 |
胡盼 | Optimal Second-Order Integral Sliding Mode Control for Underactuated Robotic System | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | E级期刊EI收录期刊 |
唐坪 | Design and Optimization of an Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvester Based on Magnetic Suction | FOR CIYCEE 2021 PAPER | E级期刊EI收录期刊 |
郭军宏 | 一种改进滑模观测器的永磁同步电机无传感器控制 | 控制工程 | F级期刊CSCD收录期刊(扩展版) |
李琴 | 三相四桥臂混合五电平逆变器及其3D-SVPWM算法 | 电源学报 | F级期刊CSCD收录期刊(扩展版) |
付旭辉 | 固态切换开关触发控制单元的研究 | 电气传动 | F级期刊北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录自然科学学术期刊 |
肖丰 | 一种融合电气量和开关量的电网Petri网故障诊断方法 | 电力科学与技术学报 | F级期刊北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录自然科学学术期刊 |
廖师师 | 谐振式无线电能传输系统恒功率输出特性研究 | 电力工程技术 | F级期刊北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录自然科学学术期刊 |
唐书海 | Label Designed ELM Network for Timing Synchronization in OFDM Systems with Nonlinear Distortion | IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference | G级期刊EI收录会议论文 |
李昌伟 | A Pipeline-based Low Complexity Dual Thresholds and Multiresolution Mouth Detection Method | Journal of Physics conference Serise | G级期刊EI收录会议论文 |
金书平 | Position Constraints Adaptive Iterative Learning Control of Exoskeleton for The Preliminary Stage of Rehabilitation | 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS) | G级期刊EI收录会议论文 |
吴健 | Analysis of Deep Depletion Effect in SOI LDMOS Substrate with Numerical Simulation | 2022 The 4th Asia Energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium | G级期刊EI收录会议论文 |
任炬光 | Digital Transformation of Hydropower Stations: Technical Route, Maturity Evaluation and Content Planning | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | G级期刊EI收录会议论文 |
任炬光 | Optimization Strategy for High-speed Rail Regenerative Braking Energy Utilization Considering Cascade Feedback of Traction Substations Mode | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | G级期刊EI收录会议论文 |