电气与电子信息学院学术报告——Art of Writing Journal and Conference Papers


报告主题:Art of Writing Journal and Conference Papers

报 告 人:Prof. Vladimir Terzija (IEEE FellowHumboldt Fellow)

会议时间:1121(周一) 14:00




Personal Profile:

Vladimir Terzija received the Dipl-Ing.M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Belgrade, BelgradeSerbia. He is a Full Professor at SkoltechMoscow, Russian Federation. He is also a Distinguished Professor at the Shandong University, Jinan, China. In the past, he has been with the University of Belgrade (Serbia), ABB (Germany) and The University of Manchester (UK). His research interests include smart grid applications; WAMPAC; Power system protection; transient processes; data analytics and digital signal processing applications in power systems. Prof. Terzija is Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Fellow of IEEE and the recipient of the National Friendship Award (China).


A successful research also means a clear and structured approach for dissemination of research results. Independent on the quality of the research results, the presentation of the results must be according to the highest academic standards, ensuring a high impact when published/presented. Every research activity must be based on a clearly defined motivation and results achieved in the past. But, how to ensure that the research activities will lead to a “novel research”? This is just one of questions to be discussed. In this distinguished lecture, a methodology for a structural and creative research, will be discussed and presented. Particular focus will be on the methodology for presenting research results in the form of a conference/journal paper. Through several illustrative examples a detailed assessment of the proposed paper skeleton will be shown, also those from the experience of the presenter. The same methodology can be implemented for the preparation of presentations, writing Dissertations, Thesis and other documents in which research results are presented.

In the lecture, the presenter, who has been since 2015 the Editor in Chief of the reputable Elsevier journal “International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems” (IJEPES impact factor 5.6, webpage: energy-systems), will discuss the strategies how to plan paper submission and how the entire reviewing process looks like from the first paper submission to its successful publication.