电气与电子信息学院学术报告——Optimal Voltage Ride-Through of IBR-Dominated Power Systems


报告主题:Optimal Voltage Ride-Through of IBR-Dominated Power Systems

人:Prof. Bikash Pal

会议时间:1128(周一) 16:00




Personal Profile:

Bikash Pal is a Professor of Power Systems at Imperial College London (ICL).He is research active in power system stability, control, and estimation. His research is conducted in strategic partnership with ABB, GE Grid Solutions, UK,and National Grid, UK. Prof Pal was the chief technical consultant for a panel of experts appointed by the UNFCCC CDM. He has developed and validated a prize winning 68-bus power system model, which now forms a part of IEEE Benchmark Systems as a standard for researchers to validate their innovations in stability analysis and control design.

He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy and Editor- in-Chief of IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. He is Vice President, PES Publications. He is Fellow of IEEE for his contribution to power system stability and control. He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in Power distribution system estimation and control. He has published about 100 papers in IEEE Transactions and IET journals and authored four books in power system modelling,dynamics, estimations and control. He was Otto Monstead Professor at Denmark Technical University in 2019 and Mercator Professor sponsored by German Research Foundation at University of Duisburg-Essen in 2011. He worked as faculty at IIT Kanpur, India. He holds a Visiting Professorship at Tsinghua University, China.


With the increasing penetration of inverter-based resources (IBRs), disconnecting IBRs from the system “at first sign of trouble could exacerbate system instability under large voltage disturbances (sag, swell and unbalance). Several large blackouts or interruption events in relation to the improper operation of IBRs under voltage disturbances have been reported in recent years. Although a consensus has been reached that IBRs should be able to ride through various voltage disturbances while providing dynamic voltage support (DVS) to the grid, it is still not clear how to achieve the optimal DVS. This talk will share our recent research efforts in improving the DVS performance of IBRs under abnormal voltage conditions. Three critical questions are answered via optimisation. 1) What is the maximum DVS capability of a single IBR? 2) How to implement the maximum DVS without relying on the knowledge of grid model parameters? 3) How do multiple IBRs interact with each other in a network? The optimisation-based methodologies open up an effective way to explore sophisticated control strategies of IBRs under large disturbances, and the research findings complement and even challenge our physical intuition.