电气与电子信息学院学术报告——Design and Operation of Grid-forming Inverters in Low-inertia Grids



报告主题:Design and Operation of Grid-forming Inverters in Low-inertia Grids

报 告 人:Jimmy Chih-Hsien Peng

会议时间:110(周二) 14:00

会议地点:腾讯会议 947-936-367



Personal Profile:

Dr. Jimmy Chih-Hsien Peng is an Associate Professor with the Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore.His research interests include: stability analysis of low-inertia grid, controlsynthesis of inverter-based renewables, and modelling of prosumer behaviours. Together, they form the pillars of society-in-the-loop analysis,where he bridges the heretofore separate fields of power systems and powerelectronics with computational social science. His work appeared in majoracademic journals. including Nature Communications. Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences, and IEEE Transactions. He is an AssociateEditor of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.


Mitigating the effects of climate change requires a major overhaul of the electrical infrastructure.One key paradigm shift is that the energy is now generated in smaller and distributed clusters at thegrid-edge, through inverter-based renewables. In the future, these inverters will participate inregulating voltage and frequency via the grid-forming mode of operation.

Here, it is essential to consider how these inverters interact amongst each other, especiallyconsidering the fact that multiple such inverters may operate in parallel. This seminar will explorethe variousoscillatory phenomena amongst grid-forming inverters. From the physics of theoscillations, the talk will put forth a generalised solution for guaranteeing stability under alloperating conditions. The second part of the talk will focus on the limitation of such stabilityguarantees. and examine how grids can scalably coordinate their grid-forming inverters in practice. The concept of stability as a decentralised commodity will be introduced as a necessary additiontofuture energy markets. The overarching goal is to provide policymakers a stable and achievable pathfor transitioning the present grid to one with near-100% renewable penetration.