报告题目:Sleep State Monitoring and OSA Detection by Sleep Breathing Sound
报 告 人:江钟伟 教授
地 点: 6A301
江钟伟教授是日本山口大学博士生导师、东北大学(中国)兼职教授、武汉理工大学、福州大学、江苏大学,西华大学等客座教授。获得日本文部科学省基础研究基金及教学基金、日本振兴会科学基金、日本经济产业省开发基金、NEDO基金、省技术开发基金、各大财团学术技术振兴基金等基金近百项,已在国内外知名杂志上发表论文200 余篇,专利30 余项,获得了日本国多项学术奖励。2013年开始主导了中日韩三国学者和学生共同参加的“中日韩暑期创新工程设计项目(SPIED)”以及“创新工程设计大赛(CEDC)”,创新工程设计国际研讨会(ICIARE)等国际化创新教学实践平台。现任亚洲创新研究与教育协会代表。
A novel method and simple wireless sensor system to detect the SAS events and to estimate the sleep state by measuring and analyzing the breathing sound, is developed. The monitoring system consists of a wireless microphone and smartphone. The breathing sound is measured by the microphone and the recorded sound data is transmitted to a data analysis server through the smartphone. The wireless microphone is very small and can be easily set near the nose by a tape. The breathing sound is recorded during the whole night sleeping and the data is analyzed by our developed data processing algorism. The proposed system and analysis method are validated with comparisons of the commercial device, SleepScan made by Tanita company in Japan. Furthermore, the results obtained by our system has good agreement with the results obtained by the nocturnal polysomnography in the hospital. The proposed system shows the high potential to be a convenient device to monitor sleep apnea events and sleep state at home.